Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Camryn beats the heat...

96 degrees in the shade today, I've been spraying Camryn down with the hose regularly for about a week now.  Decided this afternoon would be a good time for a proper bath.  Figured with the heat she'd appreciate it quite a bit.  I did cheat and hang her hay net first, worked as she simply nom nom nommed the entire time.  Aside from the blasted bomber flies taking advantage of her being nekkid she held still beautifully.  Her tail really could use trimmed again but, I thought better of it with the flies after her so that will wait till another day.  Funny how her tail grows, grows, grows, yet her mane remains the same.  Not sure what's up with that. 
Did get some pix of after the soak down, after the comb out, and back in her cape crusader get up...

"Food & a bath! Now that's what I call room service"...

"Nom, hose away Mom, nom,  nom"...

"What do you mean my forelock makes you think of Kramer?"...
Can you tell where her mask doesn't cover?  At least if she keeps it on that is...
"Caped Crusader? Who's that?"
I'd planned to get a proper sweet itch rug this year.  But, they all mention electric fence around all trees.  Considering  there are 7 to 8 trees in her paddock & at least 15 in her pasture, well...that isn't probable.  I just can't consider spending hundreds on something she could tear apart in a heart beat.  Last years does pretty well combined with SWAT and spray and a barn aisle fan.
Camryn is a fly mask Houdini, she can get it off so fast it's amazing.  She's figured out all she has to do is lower her head against a post, make contact with it just behind her ears, lift head at certain angle very quickly and WALLA she's mask less.  Normally if she takes it off on a bad bug day, she'll realize her mistake and leave it on for at least two days.  Then she forgets it's helpful and it's history! 

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