Monday, February 25, 2013

A little Artsy...

Camryn here:
Coupla weeks ago Mom was at a local tack store.  They take stuff including Artwork on consignment, Mom talked to the owner about bringing in some of her stuff.  The owner mentioned a local rescue place (Happy Trails Animal Sanctuary) that was having a fundraiser called the Art Barn.  The rescue takes in all farm animals not just horses, the animals must either come to them via the legal system or from Amish who are retiring their animals.  It's a real good place.
So Mom went home, picked out a few things to sell & one to donate for the fundraiser...
We hope it will bring in some money for the rescue to help feed the animals.
Mom just finished another painting, it's of ME!!!

She did it from a photo she took of me in the pasture over the summer.  Course my mane isn't really that white!  And we don't got no little orange flowers growing in the pasture either. I'd have ate them if we did.  The ample bottom though is truly mine!


  1. Mom is truly talented! I am sure the painting will bring in lots of money for the rescue, it is so beautiful! And the painting of you. . .gorgeous!!
    Just wow! I can't stop looking at them!

  2. Thanx, Mom can't quit looking at my portrait either. It's in the LV, she says it's the next best thing to having me in the house :)

  3. Loving the pictures, especially the one of your beautiful behind!

  4. Wow what a talented human you have. Loving the pic of your wonderfully ample bottom. Who wants to have one of those skinny minny bums anyway?

  5. Thanx Mom is partial to my behind too, says it makes hers look smaller!!!

  6. Those are absolutely gorgeous! I love them! Too funny how similar the poses are hehe. I went and got some better paper and pencils so I'll post more of my art soon. I'm glad you enjoyed them. I hope to see more of yours too. :)
