Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Just a "little" snow!!!

We've been on snow watch the past 48 hours.  Went out to take some pix to share...
Have a seat, enjoy...
Maybe we could go for a walk?  Bring your own snow shoes...

Please Mom, I'm eating lunch now...
Ok, Ok, I'll come look...
You wanted me to see what???
Whatever Mom, I'm gonna go finish lunch now.
Free snow, already loaded and ready to go...
Someone, anyone, come take this snow.  PLEASE, I'm trapped!!
PS, Wish Onyx a  11th Happy Birthday.  Along with the snow he's gotten a lovely new bone


  1. Lovely!
    I bet you'll have a bit of a problem 'selling' that load of snow!

  2. Wow! Eleven years old! Awesome Oynx....Hugs from Dixie! I was wondering how much snow you got....gotta love those Lake Effect bands! Took me an hour and a half to get to school today. Perhaps I will be taking a sick day soon! I think you are total in love with your horse;)
