Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Haflingers in harness...

As promised here are he Haflingers in harness:

This little guy (Audios CNH) was helping demo how to harness...

We were on our way to yet another clinic, when I saw this wonderful sight heading out of the arena...

These guys had me drooling bit time.  Once again I missed the Haflingers doing their demo's, coming upon them just after!

I have this pic on our desktop.  Hubby asked "where did you get this picture?"  I said "DUH, I took it!"
He'd thought it was a professional shot LOL

Hubs is rushing me off the computer to do his homework.  Will post more Equine Affair pix tomorrow.  Sorry Hafy peeps, they'll be different breeds this time around :)
Hope you enjoyed my Hafy fixes from the weekend though.

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