Monday, August 12, 2013

Getting ready bit by bit...

Camryn here:
Mom's getting ready for me at the new place bit by bit.  She's got Dad putting cross posts in the corners of the fences, she plans to bring my longe whip home to get him moving a bit faster with it.  He's measured out my new bedroom, it's gonna be 12 x 15!  He was gonna do a 12 x 12 like I gots now till Mom reminded him the bigger my room is the less room for a 2nd stall in the future ;)  Got my gates bought n my stall mats too, they be waiting in the barn.  Dad's gonna do the dog yard first, then my paddock, pasture comes later.
My pasture/paddock is pretty weedy so Mom grabbed her hand sprayer to kill them all.  She wasn't thinking bout how much bigger my new pasture is though.  It was gonna take her all day for several days.  Dad n Grampa took pity on her after seeing her walk back to the house to refill the sprayer for the umpteeth time.  They headed out and came back with...
Mom's got a proper sprayer contraption now, she was tickled pink both Dad n Grampa got big hugs.  Only took her two hours stead of days pulling it about with the mower/tractor thing.  She was laughing bout becoming a farm girl.
Almost forgot to tell you all, Grampa is now in Ohio.  His two daughters their hubbies, one grandson n dad brought him and most of his stuff on Wed.  He's got sooooo much stuff they need to take another trip down for the rest.  They'd planned to do it this weekend but, Mom laid down the law and my fence is raised up the priority list.  Grampa is staying at the new place right now, Mom brings him every day to help unpack.  Seems Grampa is a bit of a hoarder, more than a bit actually.  He refused to throw anything out when his daughters suggested it so they brought it all.  Oddly he's happily tossing and donating whatever stuff Mom suggests.  Dad thinks Mom just has a more "it's a good idea, but you don't have to" way about her, where his daughters are more about "throw it out, all this stuff is rediculous" way about them.  One daughter in particular is quite bossy, so Grampa just does the opposite, Mmmmm kinda like me with some peoples I guess.


  1. Hooray for the sprayer! (Which reminds me... I need to get out and spray our front yard).
    It sure sounds like a busy time with a ton of stuff being done. I bet you all can't wait for it to be finished! (Is a house/yard/barn ever "finished"?)

  2. I'm getting so excited for your big move!!

  3. THanx guys, seems like the day will never get here. Moving two houses has Mom spinning in circles. Plus she's trying to make sure Dad doesn't have anything to do BUT concentrate on the fence

  4. new home, new grandfoal, what a lot you have to look forward to. Lucky girl.
    Grampa sounds fun. He has earned the right to be difficult. Human would be impressed. It's what she aspires to.
