Thursday, September 5, 2013

Love is thwarted...

Darn nosey neighbors grrrrrrr!  Mom didn't notice that the lectric fence box wasn't blinking when she turned it on and turned me out this morning.  Bet you can see where this post is leading hee hee!!!
I of course noticed and being bored/lonely/horny took myself between the trick rope strands and wandered over to the boys next door.  Marty was riding his 4 wheeler back to his barn and sawed me on the other side of "his" fence having a lovely lovey chat with Jesse.  He ran to his house told Danette, who called Mom, who jumped in the truck driving like a crazy lady to get me.  Marty grabbed a rope, Danette grabbed Jesse's halter and they wrangled me away.  I didn't go easy either let me tell you.  I mean Jesse is a looker being a grey Fresian/Quarter cross, and he's nice too.  Plus, I know he loves me.  He was yelling "Nnnnnnnno, don't go Camryn, I loves you so much".  I was yelling back, "I loves you too Jesse".  Danette tried leading me but, couldn't handle me I was wanting my Jesse so bad.  Marty tooked over, I tried my bestest to intimidate him, I was yelling to Jesse, circling, spinning, popping up...Marty just kept on going with me going with him.  Darn why do I have to have horse savy neighbors who aren't intimidated easy SIGH.  They put me in my stall just before Mom pulled in.  I was all innocent when Mom walked in my barn, givin her the "honest Mom, I don't know why I'm in my stall or how I gotted here".  I didn't know the jig was up and she already knowed.  Figured that out when she called me a hussy though SIGH!  Jesse was still calling for me, but knowing Mom knowed and that I was now in paddock jail for the duration, I quieted down and ate!  Dad is thinking he'll fix the lectric box tonight, Mom is "no, she'll stay in the paddock and we'll work on getting here sooner rather than later". 
Other exciting news is that while Mom is planning to move me this weekend, Lincoln may be changing that up a bit.  Dr's may decide he's done cooking and ask him to come out this weekend.  He's so big he's got no room to move in his oven.  Should know more tomorrow night bout that.  Mom's all in a dither, gotta move Camryn, gonna be a Gramma, gotta move Camryn....You get the picture right?


  1. That is like soooo unfair, if they is gonna leave you with eye candy and no access what do they expect?

    Exciting times ahead! Sending good luck vibes for Gramma, Camryn and all the gang :-)

    1. Agreed, they should let me just have him I think.
      Thanks for the good vibes. We's all cited bout Grandfoal!!!

  2. Ohhh Friesian, QH cross. Sounds yummy!! LOL

  3. oooh how romantic sounds just like brief encounter all that passion.
    How exciting about your Grandfoal Lincoln.

    1. Mmmmm, maybe it's outta the book 50 shade of grey? Jesse is a grey afterall.
      We'll let you all know if they plan to induce, won't know till late tomorrow.

  4. Poor Camryn, not getting to see her love! Shy knows all about that. She was quite upset last time she was in heat and had to be separated because her and the 18 plus hand Percheron were caught "doing it".
    Very happy for you Gramma!! This weekend is gonna be eventful!

    1. Well, I did get to see him, just not long enough and no action SIGH Least you got "some" first!!! He's still calling out his love for me!
