Monday, September 16, 2013

Ups n Downs...

Camryn here:
SIGH, first night went awesome, Loved my Princess Suite lots.  First turnout in the morning rocked out great too...
Lovely grass, which blade do I want first???

Nom, nom, I'll just eat it all in one bite?  The grass is soooo good here, I completely ignore the hay Mom puts out.  Dad likes that lots ;)

If you biggify this one you can see the long ears watching me from just outside their run in.  You can tell by my headset that I'm being very cautious in my approach.  No worries, they runned off to their little barn scared of me stead of the other way round.

Then "hubba hubba" the neighbor horses got turned out too.  Love that bay roan dude, he yells at me lots.  He yells like a girl horse though not sure what's up with that.  All day horses from all round was yelling their welcomes, I yelled back sometimes but mostly I ate the lovely grasses.

Mom showed me where my waters are, the water tastes good here too.  She'd brought some of my old water just in case but, I like this just fine.  A few of the Littles stopped by with carrots, we enjoyed our visit though Mom kept them outta my paddock.  I acted and looked calm but, Mom understood I really wasn't yet.
Then all "H" broke out.  The Littles Dad had friends over, they was moving a struture from behind their house, to behind their pole building.  Lotsa peoples, lotsa noises AND a pavillion building was walking!!!  Lets just say it freaked me out pretty good....

Good thing I look good when freaking out I guess.

I runned and trotted till I was all sweaty, I don't like sweating.  But with a walking pavillion building right next door I just didn't know what else to do!

You can see some of the peoples back by the run in shed as I runned some more.  Mom tried to calm me but, I wouldn't have any of it.  Then onced I'd begun to calm from that, the horse neighbors began going in for the night.  Their peoples don't just go out and collect them politely and quietly.  They go out and chase em in!  So all 4 of them is running, maybe from Saber Tooths that I can't see and I gets all upsets some more.  Mom comes out to politely and quietly collect me n bring me in.  I went though I was VERY worried, I calmed down.  Then just as I started eating lots more noises from the direction of the walking pavillion building got me circling to get out of my Princess Suite, Mom plugged my fan in and that helped not hearing them at all. 
Next day n today though I turned out calmly and seemed calm, Mom felt an edge to me and thinks the calmness is really exhaustion.  Though my Princess Suite is tidy in the morning, Mom says the lack of bedding on my back and in my tail is evidence that I'm not laying down and resting well.  I'm kinda worried that the pavillion building will start walking again.  She's ordered some Ultra Smart Calm from SmartPak which should be here soon and help me settle in better.  She's pounding her noggin that she didn't have it here and ready just in case though.  Better late than never I say.


  1. Ohh looks like soooooo much fun!! Kaspin dreams of his own place some day!!! Congrats!

    1. Probably where ever you are Kaspin will be happy too :)

  2. That is a lot to take in on your first couple of days! Sorry you got all worked up, but you do look so pretty running about :)
    The new place looks so grassy and delicious!

    1. Tons to take in. I've been spending most of my days grazing and staring at that lovely bay roan. Can't wait till Did gets the lectric wire up in the back for more grazing yet

  3. Walking building is definitely scary! We have t say you look mighty fine when on guard though :-) We bet the long ears was watching the commotion with 'whatever' ears on?!

    1. Nope the long ears had run and were cowering in the corner of their shed!!! The goat didn't much care though. I just hope my barn doesn't do that, specially when I'm in it!!!

  4. Walking buildings oh my oh my. But on the positive side you have grass. Lots of grass.
    Don't you just look amazing. Burning all those calories up running about means you are just going to have to eat more of the amazing grass.

    1. I know, don't want that to happen again. Running means I ain't eating. Mom did however mention I could stand the excercise.

  5. All I can say is you are absolutely gorgeous when you trot and run like that. Wow! You can move!
    It will probably take some time to get used to your new neighborhood.

  6. My,my, my Camryn, you look like an amazing mover. That is one thing people don't expect from Haflingers, what they don't know eh! You are beautiful. My Haflinger boys would go coo, coo for coco puffs over you.
