Didn't take long for the corn clean up crew to report for work...
Merlin was pretty unimpressed, he did run back to the safety of the barn with Pippin once. They'd become surrounded, the birds (mainly starlings) took flight in unison, they'd spooked Pippin who in turn spooked Merlin. Once Merlin realized Pippin was freaking out over what he considered nonsense, Merlin remained chill.
In the video below the cleanup had been going on for several hours. Pippin is still a bit unnerved by the entire thing. It's hard to show even in video how many birds there are, I never did quite get a shot showing the numbers. Several times they surround the barn, they're in the trees, paddock, on the roofs. Just imagine forty acres of birds wth a bird every six inches or so. Then much like horse herds, they all take flight in sync, land, eat, rinse & repeat for two days. It's like a dance of sorts & the noise is unimaginable. They return several times a year, though never in the numbers of harvest time.