Sunday, November 7, 2010

Busy weekend. Camryn spa day

This weekend, been busy trying to have things ready for winter.  Brought in bedding for the winter, the bags vary in weight from 75lb to 95 lb.  We were able to fit 19 bags on our smallish truck and ATV trailer.  Should be set for quite a while on that.   Bless Dear Hubby for loading and unloading these.  For my part I placed the pallets in the barn for them, then pulled the bags forward for him to lift. 
Today, I burned the last of the brush pile I've gathered from various wind storms in the pasture/paddock.  I've been clearing our woods the past few years, got the dead fall I've gathered this year burned as well.  Woods are looking so good, nice and rideable.  Hubby is planning to fence, but have a few groundhogs I need to evict before that happens.  Also have a few large cherry trees back there so I'm rather hesitant to allow Camryn back there period.
On the Camryn front, didn't ride at all this weekend but, she did have a spa day. Conditioned her bush of a mane, as well as her tail.  Camryn doesn't have the traditional Haflinger mane, not sure if it's from her genes or the fact that she gets sweet itch, hence rubs it a lot.  Though it's not long, I love the way it stands up in the breeze.  When she shakes herself it just goes every which way. Just realized I didn't get pix of her lovely tail prior to braiding!   Last winter I didn't braid and regretted it, it was long enough to drag the ground, deep snow caused snowballs/iceballs on the ends, then mud.  Not winter yet, but was in the mood to experiment and pratice braiding it anyway.

The End

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