Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's sooooo cold...

How cold is it you ask? 
     Well, when cleaning Camryn's stall this afternoon, her urine soaked bedding was so easy to get up.  Seriously, it was totally frozen and came up in tile like chunks.  Her "apples" sounded like real apples as they thunked into the muck bucket.  It was like -9 degrees this a.m., right now at 1:30 p.m. it's a sultry 12 degrees.  While I did wear my long johns, I should've included my carhart bibs, as my legs burned with the cold once I was finished.  Picked up a lovely big knuckle bone for Onyx to chomp in his bedroom.  He's keeping to the barn for the most part today.
    Luckily, despite the cold it's a sunny day,  Camryn has been soaking up the rays all day.  While she has quite an ample coat, and never seems cold, preferring to hang out in her yard rather than in the barn.  I did feel she'd lost more weight than necessary.  Not being sure if it were my imagination, I made a point of asking Camryn's trimmer during her Pedicure/manicuree session on Mon.  Sherry felt she's probably at a perfect weight, but with bad weather still in our future she felt adding alfalfa pellets to her ration wouldn't hurt.  Just 1/2 pound a day.  She's quite happy with this new addition to her day of course.  Oddly she doesn't eat em right up, she eats of bit of hay, some pellets, hay, then pellets...
   Oh, and as usual trimmer says she's got great feet :)
PS Normally, I'm not a whiner (prefer to B#^*%), unless it's Feb. & cold.  Expect lots of whining posts in the near future.


  1. Your weather's about like ours - spring will be here soon!

  2. I wish I'd lose weight in the winter... I seem to do the opposite!

  3. Yup...nasty here as well. I know what you mean about the sound of apples - nice solid thuds! I use pellets and if the guys relieve themselves, it is frozen into a solid mass, which sometimes won't come up. I usually clean out their paddocks at least once a day. The day before yesterday I tried and gave up after chiseling less than 1/2 wheelbarrow load. It's frozen. It's mashed into snow and dirt. It is immovable. At least it can't get into their feet in this state! I dread the time when we thaw - I'll be spending some time out there - and then it is really wet and heavy. Oh, well. Good for making muscles!
