Monday, November 7, 2011

Camryn here:
Beeeeutiful day today, not in a sunshiney kind of way (that was yesterday) but, in a temperature no wind kinda day.
So course after Mom cleaned my room her headed up to the house for my saddle...
Ooooh no, here comes Mom her's got my saddle AND a camera.  Doesn't take much thinking to figure out whats gonna happen next does it...

Heading towards the figure eight trees.  That's where I have to work when I've been acting spunky...
What's that I hear?  Uggh Mom has the camera out.  By the way that's not a proper bridle nose band.  I wear a Ride N Tie Halter Bridle combo.  See the snap right by my ear?  The halter part wraps round the bridle part and snaps together.  Pretty handy right?...
EYE C U!...
This be me wearing my new saddle after our little jaunt around the pasture.  Looks like I'm muddy but, cepting my feets I'm really clean.  My winter woolies kinda go every which way!!!

You have no idea how hard it is to stand here nicely without wandering back to eat the yum yum leaves...
But, I'll do it for my friends :)

1 comment:

  1. Camryn, you gorgeous girl! You look very good in your saddle!
    Did I tell you that I like your new header? I can't remember. . .but I really do!
    And stay away from those leaves! No more scaring your mom or us!
