Saturday, November 12, 2011

Good eats this winter...

Camryn here:
Yup, go more hay in the barn.  Jim and John came with a hundred bales just for little ol me!  I'm goin round singing: A hundred bales of hay in the barn, a hundred bales of hay...
            Take one down and nom, nom, nom...
             99 bales of hay in the barn!!!
Mom tied me to the fence with a snack while she supervised.  Dad and the guys had it all stacked in no time.  I think my fav part of getting more hay (besides knowing I don't have to share none of it), is all the chafings that they push off the back for me to eat at my leisure.
Oh, if any of my friends came to visit, I would share.  We could have a picnic.  Just don't plan on staying cause the rest is for ME!!!
Sounds like we're pretty lucky here in Ohio.  The guys was saying they've been getting lots of calls from Texas and Oklahoma, S. Carolina and other areas wanting to know if they could have hay.  Our guy says no, cause he's got lotsa hungry horses (like me) who are regulars and he can't afford to run out.  He says the extra money would be good.  But, in the long run, hurting his regulars would hurt himself if they went elsewhere.  He does have way good hay too!


  1. I heard about the hay shortage in other states. Sad! I hope those horses get hay! You are very lucky, Camryn! My girl is too. . .we have lots of hay! But we need it for 22 horses!
    Enjoy your hay. . .the chafings are the best part. . .so I hear.

  2. Lucky you! Isn't it a great feeling to know you have all kinds of food?
