Friday, November 18, 2011

Return of the net...

Camryn here:
I'd posted about my being back on my slow feed hay net and had a few comment regarding it.  So, I asked Mom to bring the camera down to the barn for a little show n eat...
I am patiently awaiting the hanging of my slow feed net, NOT...
OK, so this is me actually trying to be patient.  This is on account of Mom's loud "KNOCK IT OFF CAM"
Jeez, Mom I'm a hungry gurl don't ya know...

I take very delicate  little bites on account that I'm such a demure lady...
Lady Schmady, I'm hungry and this is how I do it!!! 
Mom got my bags from Smart Pak Equine, they was on sale for $9.99 at the time.  My first set her gots from Miller Saddlery for $9.99 too.  If you google slow feed nets you can check around for good prices.  My first set lasted 2 years.  A few tips for your peoples, after 2 years daily Hafly eating the nylon kinda gets chewed up a bit.  Patching only gets it for so long, order new ones.  Haflingers can and will discover that if you pick up your bag from the bottom that there is a large hole there.  We can and will devour from this large hole to speed up the eating process.  Mean Moms such as mine will place a round rock over the hole making this nearly impossible to do!!!  Course then you gets the added benefit of it making big noise if it's hung on a metal gate as you pull your mouthfuls of hay.  This keeps your dog from truly enjoying his nap but, if he's a good friend he will suffer thru the noise.  The SmartPak bags come in two sizes, small and large, I got the large size which is a bit smaller than my original bags.  We like the bigger ones cause you gets more and their easier to stuff.  Also the SmartPak bag has metal rings at the top for the cord that Mom's use to tie it shut.  At first the rings make it difficult to stuff, once you Haflingers get the rings a bit rusty from enthusiasticly slobbering as you eat it makes stuffing the bag much easier.  Another tip is for Mom's (or Dad's I guess) to place empty bag in clean muck bucket.  Kind keeps the bag in one place and collects spillage as Mom's aren't always neat as the prepare your banquet!!!  Mom stuffs three at a time after work, while I patiently wait.  One for lunch, one for bedtime, and the other for breakfast.  Having these already filled means Mom doesn't have to freeze so much for my bedtime meal, and she won't be rushed for work getting me my breakfast either.  Since it's winter now, I also get a side flake for breakfast/lunch and depending on the weather sometimes two at bedtime.
For those of you who don't know I was what the Vet called morbidly obese when I moved her almost two years ago.  With Mom's starvation loving diet I've dropped over 300 lbs. still a DraftyHafyGurl, still gots my apple bottom.  But, according the Mom and the Vet I'm much healthier and happier.  Still, I'd love to do what I does best EAT, EAT, and EAT some more.


  1. Just think Camryn. . .with the slow feed net, you can savor your meals longer :)

  2. Your mom has it all figured out! I'm impressed that the net lasted two years with daily feeding. That surely is a tough net!
    I've used a NibbleNet for my guys... but not daily. Pippin managed to nibble though one of the straps so I repaired.... and repaired it again... and again. He seems to like to play with the piece I sew on - maybe he's just frustrated that I keep covering his hole!
