Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Cardi frap session...

Camryn here:
For those not in the know of various Cardigan acronyms, FRAP stands for Frantic Random Acts of Play.  Ivy in particular enjoys a good Frap session, Promise is usually her partner, sometimes she volunteers, sometimes not so much:
Ivy & Promise posing pretty for the camera...

Ivy is just getting primed for a frap session...

Uh Oh, she's gonna blow...

Promise continues to pose for the camera unaware...

You can kind of visualize a shark on the verge of attacking it's innocent victim...

BAM, poor, poor Promise...

Promise: "Don't worry Mom I'm OK"
Ivy: "Oh that was such fun, I'll give it another go"

Promise: "I think I'll just pose from up here Mom"
Ivy: Woot, Woot, that was a blast Mom, did ya see it?  Huh, huh did ya see it?"
One of Ivy's nicknames is "brat pup" even though she's just turned 6 years old this week she feels the need to live up to her nickname. 


  1. Love it! They look like they are having so much fun!

  2. Well, Ivy sure was. The jury is still out on how Promise felt about being pounced upon again and again :)

  3. What fun to see them play! Great shots!

  4. That was funny. Our late Border Collie used to do that, we used to call it her "daft 5 minutes". Bless.
    Also we had a Yorkie years ago and she would do the same lol so funny to watch.

    1. Mom is really liking the new camera for action shots.
      Funny how all breeds seem to do this but, their peoples have differant names for it!

  5. OMG I missed Dixie's birthday!!!! They are 6 yrs old?!?!?! Where has time gone?!?!? I love the pics! Dixie can't play those games with the beagles cuz they just don't move but she has an Australian cattle dog BFF and they do lots of that play!! Dixie sends ivy cardi birthday hugs!!

    1. Momma Promise says to give hugs to her Dixie girl. I imagine Dixie and Ivy would be best buds if they lived nearer to each other.

  6. I love Cardies. When I was looking for a Corgi, I searched high and low for a Cardigan, but there were none in my area, so I went with Midge, my Pembroke. Thanks for letting me know you've been lurking on my blog. :)
