Friday, April 26, 2013

I'm a magician...

Camryn here:
I think I found a new career, I'm gonna be a magician:
See the pretty Dandelions?

Ha! Now ya don't cause I made them disappear!  It's magic I tell ya.

Nom, nom, nom, sorry can't talk now mouth is full.


  1. Camryn, I don't want to be the one to rain on your parade, but you might want to tell your mom that certain Dandelions and related flat weeds have been linked to a type of String halt in horses. Although it doesn't always happen, it can. Something to think of before you make them disappear.

  2. I should probably add that I am a bit paranoid about it, because I have a horse with stringhalt. Most cases of flat weed induced string halt, clears up on its own once the weed is no longer ingested. My horse did not get it from eating dandelions. The problem is I have spent so much time studying up on it, now I'm paranoid of those silly little flowers.

    1. Thanx for telling me. Mom'll check on that right now for me. She always given me Dandelions in the spring without issues. But,still better safe than sick!!!

  3. What a wonderful trick!! Love the closed eyes when they disappear :)
    Shy loves dandelions, too!
    I never knew about the stringhalt issues, but it never seemed to affect her.

    1. Dandelions are really only good when given to you. I tend to not bother with em otherwise!

  4. I can make dandelions turn into manure for gardens. We can buy dried dandelions here in the UK. Can't remember what they are supposed to be good for apart from eating.

    1. Dried Dandelions I bet aren't as good as fresh ones!!!

  5. My guys would have to agree with Zoe about their magic trick. I think they delighted in showing me how they could take any manner of pretty thing and turn it into brown lumps!! Cool magic, eh?!
    My guys used to love dandelions, too. I got some sort of perverse satisfaction in seeing them eat all of those potential seeds!

    1. HA, Mom likes seeing me eat potential seeds too!!!

  6. Hi again. I was just over at Shannon's blog and happen to see her post about the stringhalt caused by dandelions. She has some very good information there. I guess it is only certain ones.
    Here is the link for you.
