Wednesday, October 5, 2011

back to work for a few...

Camryn here:
Mom tried to go back to work yesterday.  Dumb idea big time.  Her lasted two hours and paid for it the entire day.  Her left and told the boss she'd try again next week.  Hard to convince a woman trying to save for a saddle that her needs to take it easy!! 
Most of her day now revolves around looking for & dreaming about getting me a good fitting new saddle.
Her thinks her knows which to get now.  Both manufacturer and style.  This may change during her down time however as her researches more.
Nice sunny day today "at last".  I'm just enjoying some sun bathing..


  1. Hi there, Camryn. Shy contacted us and wants 'in' on the group. I told her I'd check with Doc and Pippin - I haven't been down to see them since this spate of messages have come through. I'm sure they'd love to expand the posse. Fab Four, Fab Five, Super Six....whatever! They are gregarious - you know, the herd thing!
    So, since you are bored, why don't you pop over to see the boys?!
    Hope mom takes it easy... maybe you should tie her down...and don't use a quick-release knot!

  2. Camryn, You need to keep your mom at home and resting up so she can get back to riding!
    Shy would love to be part of the group, there are no Haflingers at our barn for her to play with.

  3. Camryn- you wouldn't believe it! Yesterday an old fashioned wagon came down our busy street and it was pulled by some relatives of yours!! 2 pretty Haffies!! Looked like a nice little family out for a ride. I immediately thought of you and all of my HaffyBlogger friends.
    You tell Mom that I feel her pain- or my pain - I def feel MY pain which is why I'm sitting on frozen bags of corn right now. And since your Mom got hurt right around the time I got hurt- and now we're both trying to figure out what we can do (& not do), as we heal . . . well. . . you see why I relate so well with your sweet Mama!! Give her a hug from me, okay?
