Friday, March 3, 2017

Changing like the weather...

Yup, here in Ohio the weather changed once again!  I'm sure many areas have similar sayings, "if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes. It'll change!"  Just like the boyz LOL
First the kiss...

Next up,
Time to RUMBLE!  Still a love/hate thing going on!

Had to reschedule last lesson, we'd had some major winds along with a power outage. We have a generator wired in, so we had what we needed aka heat. I didn't feel it safe to leave with the generator running, so next week I'll have #3!
Tomorrow one of the big barns down the road, I'll be taking a lot of my horse tack down to sell. Rather depressed letting it go but, the $ will come in handy getting Merlin his own little cart. I'll be keeping my favorite bridle. Just in case 👍🏻


  1. OMG! That kiss is so precious. Have they started eating your clothing yet and goosing you when you bend over?

    1. Lol not yet! Merlin is a zipper kind of guy though. His former owner warned me. He loves the big one on my carhart coat.

  2. Aww. I've been thinking of colours for Pippin- I think that purple would look great on him!

    1. I agree, I was leaning towards purple or teal for him. 👌🏻

  3. Ugh yes - I am with you on the weather changes!!

    As a sidenote, I just wanted to let you know I have changed my blog name, so it may not show up in your reader list anymore. The new url is www dot twoandahalfhorses dot blogspot dot com. You may have to re-enter it into your reader list to follow again.

    1. Love the name change. Hubs often calls the Mini's Quarter horses as they're lie 1/4 of a horse!
