Sunday, May 1, 2011

She's off to Africa...

My baby girl is off to Africa, Morocco to be exact.  Don't know exact details it's some type of a Military Goodwill Mission though.  Jillian is an Army Surgical Specialist, her unit is there to take care of any Marines and/or African Army soldiers should anyone be injured whilst unloading equipment off carriers.  Apparently something normally happens so they always have surgical staff on hand.  This isn't her normal unit, she volunteered for the mission.  She's quite excited and frightened at the same time.  They'll be camping in tents, and apparently the area their assigned has lots of cobras!!!  The military did have someone that specializes in cobra removal clean out the area last week!!! 

I'm soooooo proud of my Jillian.  She is truly a special person, her civilian job is as a nurse for OSU.

Contact will be sparse at best, she's only to be gone approx. 3 weeks.  It's going to feel like forever though.  She lives two hours away normally, so while I don't see her as often as I'd like we do talk frequently.  Both of us are American Idol fans so we're texting thruout each episode LOL 


  1. Oh you are so brave,but I guess you have had the experience already. I would be a mess. I think that while she is away, I would visualize her protected and safe, but most importantly go to the end of the three weeks and visualize her and your family reunited at the airport. Everyone hugging,happy and content.Spend lots of time with Cameron. There is nothing like a warm, fuzzy, Haflinger to raise your spirits.

  2. Yeah, I've been there done that. Hard to describe the differances in feelings I have regarding Jillian's Africa mission compared to Christopher's two tours of Iraq. Now if either head to Afghanistan I guarantee I'll be a total basket case!!! My animals ecspecially Camryn of course don't allow low spirits :)
