Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pretty as a flower...

Camryn here:  Mom was out taking pictures of some of her flowers in the gardens yesterday.  Something even prettier than the flowers managed to sneak in.  Sorry it's not me but, one of my friends...

Can you see her?  That's our Promise, make sure you biggefy to see she's even smiling for the camera!!! 

Now for some of what I call boring pix (means they don't include myself) of Mom's flowers...
biggefy to see the silly snowwoman in the background
OK, so they are pretty.  But still, I know you're all here because of me so I'll fill you in on some of my doings.  It's hot as in HOT, so Mom's been hosing me off not one of my favorite things to do. Her also been cooling my fly sheet down in the human washer (don't tell) an putting it on me still cool n damp.  I of course won't show my appreciation, but was able to lay down and have a comfy little snooze afterwards.  Mom tried to sneak out with the camera, I caught her and stood up ruining that effort.  No one is gonna catch this gurl snoring on film let me tell you. 
Onyx hasn't been volunteering to hop in his pool, so Mom's been making a point of forcing lifting him in to cool down.  Unlike me Onyx does show his appreciation an goes running around, rolling all over n smiling after. 
Mom's got our barn fan going at full blast too.  Her hangs my hay net near it, Mom says I looks like Kramer  TV model with my forelock blowing from it.  One benefit of living in woods is that I don't have to look for shade, it's everywhere.

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