Thursday, July 14, 2016

Bedding, food & friends...

Of course we had recorded breaking temps on the day I choose to get Grace more bedding...
Didn't take long to unload thankfully. 

Grace had the evening off on groundwork, mainly as I could see a storm headed our way. I decided to tuck her in a little early...

Maizee makes an excellent dinner companion...

She's gotten pretty adept at he slow feed Haynet, ecspecially once we'd found her fave hay...

I think she's filling in nicely...

The bald lines from wearing her stiff dirty halter 24/7 are filling in...I believe only a few are permanent
Moments after I headed back inside, the storm hit big time. Realized "to late" I'd left Grace's window open. The winds blew the rain right in soaking her bedding. I doubt she slept peacefully, gotta strip her stall it's so wet. Oh well, these things happen. 
I've found who I think was one of Grace former owners. I wrote asking, then at her request sent pix of Grace along with one of her registration papers. Fingers crossed that I'm able to at least find out her experience level. If she's truly been there/done that or if she was mainly a broodmare making buckskin babies and considered green broke. We'll see. 

Trying to come up with a new name for the blog. Any thoughts?  


  1. Maybe play off her name? Something like "Amazing Grace" or ??

    1. I'd thought of that one too. I'm compiling a small list. Just in case some have been used already
