Sunday, September 18, 2011

Did place called Brecksville today...

Camryn here:
Boy if me n Mom keep having adventures like today I'm gonna be one buff Hafy Gurl!!!  Mom took piktures too, mainly cause Dad teased her that her never remembers. 
I hitched a ride in Dakota's trailer, its very nice and new.  I do prefer my ramp though, and Dakota sounded like a mule yelling in my ear when I loaded.  Jeez, hers got a mouth on her, almost went deaf.  We went to a place called Brecksville, it's part of the Cleveland Metroparks system.  They have stables there too.  My used to be trainer Barb (saving for new saddle means no trainer right now) met us there with her Arab gelding named Faremair, I might of spelled that wrong.  We've ridden with him before so all three of us horses knew each other.
This place was really pretty and big, and hills, oh my did it have hills.  Lots and lots of hills, some going down, some going up, lotsa creeks, several bridges.  We saw some hikers, some of them had dogs with them.  One dog hiker pair kinda scared me, not on purpose cause they were nice and polite.  I was doing my power trot up a hill and just as I crested there they was.  The man had already stepped off the trail and had the dog sitting cause Dakota and Faremair was couple lenghts ahead of me.  I'd expected to see my friends, so was surprised about them.  I did a little stiff scoot away but, then was fine right away again.  We saw like 8 deer, couple of big bucks with racks, three resting by a log, couple Momma's with their fawns.  One scared Faremair, him and Dakota was trucking along up a hill (did I mention there were a lot of hills?), the deer got spooked and ran one way.  Faremair did a little hop/skip to the side but like me recovered nicely.
The first couple of hills, Mom started me trotting up them, I thought I'd prefer to walk them.  Soon I discovered Mom had the right idea, trotting was a good idea.  So rest of the ride Mom I listened to Mom bout that.  Halfway up hills, Mom would touch my neck and say "Power up girlfriend", I'd kick in my turbo and Whoompf we'd be right up that hill.  Mom laughed cause I'd trot so fast her imagined someone called Fred n Barney in some Flintstone car with their legs going in circles real fast.  You humans probably know what she's talking bout, cause I sure don't!!!
Oh, yeah I mentioned pictures, here they are:
This one shows how I don't have a need to be close up on trails!!!  We'd get so far behind sometimes, Mom would eventually yell ahead "we're catching up".  I found out realy quick that her'd ask for a trot after that so whenever her yelled "catching up", I'd start trotting.  Not with the turbo turned on however...

This was our view for most of today.  Mom notices that if we're with horses I know, I prefer to just hang out behind for the most part.  If we're with new horses, I like to lead the way.  Once I find out their not stupid or something I won't care where I am though...
Barb got off Faremair to take some pix for Mom.  Dakota and Danette are posing, I'm not drinking like you might think.  I'd found a root and was trying to pull it out.  I rarely drink at creek crossings, I prefer to flutter and flap my lips in the water.  Makes really fun sounds!!!  Try it sometime, you'll see frogs and crawfish scatter like crazy!

This one shows what  good boy Faremair is.  His Mom is the one taking the picture, Faremair just stayed where she left him.  He was catching leaves as the floated by. Dakota was the only one drinking at the creeks, me n Faremair just played in them.  Mom requests that you please do not biggify these as she looks like a total misfit...
This was at a differant creek, did I mention there were a lot of those?  I'm standing up the hill while Mom takes a picture.  Yup I said a hill, yet again.
Oh, another Hafy sighting, this time a handsome Chocholatey guelding.  We didn't get to meet as he was crossing over our trail to head up another in front of us.  I don't even think he got to see me at all.
The trailer next to us said they had two Haflingers at their barn and complimented me on how pretty I am and how much better shape I'm in than the two they know.  That was nice :)
Anyway went, we conquered, now we're home. 


  1. Glad your mom took some pictures, I really enjoyed them! Sounds like a fun trip!

  2. Looks good, plenty of good riding with friends.

  3. Oh, it sounds like a wonderful ride. I wish our Mrs. Owner would take us out for a ride... but no, she's always doing stuff and says she's too busy. Grrrr.... But... maybe we wouldn't like going up and down hills - and trotting so much!
    We are in great shape, though. We're round ;-)

    Love from Pippin & Doc

  4. isnt round the shape a haflinger is supposed to be? :)
