Sunday, July 3, 2016

Weight gain & groundwork

Sweet Grace has gained 66 lbs. in a week, still a ways to go but, definite progress in the right direction. 
She is such a sweetie, I've never had a horse who seems to enjoy being rubbed on, cuddled and fussed with like she does. Or at least one who fakes it so well!

Did you want me Mom?

Wanna rub my nose maybe?

On a serious note, did some Clinton Anderson style desensiting with the stick & rope today. Other than her left hip going all creepy crawly she got an A+. Disengaging her rear, long lining all getting much better on both our parts. Backing getting less sticky too. Forgot to do the water/fly spray, just now realized. 
While I sponged her with it fly spray earlier in the day, I decided to see if her udders needed cleaned. OH MY, she was fine till I "attempted" to put my hand in between. Poor thing, her boobies are like super glued together!  She told me to "stop", I tried again, she said "IT HURTS!"  A little while later she wouldn't let me pick up her hind feet, I'm guessing she suspected I was going to try again. I have some one who does sheath & udder cleaning coming out tomorrow. She's a Vet Tech and felt it sounded like Grace needs done like yesterday. I surely hope she can help, otherwise it's the Vet with sedation. 
Did exchange the girth, went two sizes smaller. Brain fart as its to small SIGH.  Will have to wait, her lady parts are more important right now. 


  1. She's sounds like she's doing well. Poor girl though with her udder such a mess! I've used mineral oil on the sticky bits to soften it up and help it to come off (even with just a spray of the hose.

    1. Once did I'd accidentally hurt her, there was no allowing near her back end!
