Thursday, October 7, 2010

Was it the weather perhaps?

Yesterday was cloudy & cool in the high 50's.  Due to rain I hadn't been riding in over a week.  Since it wasn't raining today,  I couldn't resist, so on go the riding boots.  Normaly Camryn catches herself, I simply appear in the pasture & here she comes.  Doesn't matter if it's with food, or halter/lead rope.  Yesterday this wasn't the case.  I walked out to her with her halter, as soon as I went to put it on, Cam turned her head and walked away a few feet.  I didn't think much of it, just went and tried again, she again turned her head away & walked off.  Basically she was telling me "say it to the butt Mom!"  I thought "this is a test, this is only a test" and swung the halter towards that big ol apple butt moving her off further and more quickly than she'd intended.  I did this till she turned in to me, then softly went to put the halter on.  Once again it was "say it to the butt", so I get her moving off a bit quicker.  Had to move her off a few more times, till finally she asked me to put the halter on.  Then we walked back to the barn together discussing what had just occurred sans lead rope.  Saddled up nicely but, wanted nothing to do with her bit.  The bit part had started off slowly, which caused me to realize I needed the dentist out.  I'm thinking I'll try the bit a few more times now that her teeth are done, if she continues to object, I'll try a different one.  It's a comfort snaffle bit, it's a bit thicker than the usual snaffle so perhaps that's it.  Going to the Quarter Horse Congress soon so perhaps a new bit is on the shopping list?
Anyway, she was totally fine in saddle, the ground was wet so we simply walked about and worked on my leg aids.  I click train, which is something I'm familiar with in training dogs, and Camryn enjoys, which shows in how eager she is in her work normally.

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