Saturday, August 13, 2011

Camera news...

Well first good news is that Dad was able to unbreak what Mom did to Samantha's camera, so Sam will be none the wiser about that.
Bad news that turned good: Mom's old camera would cost bout as much to fix as a new one.  Sooooo, her gots a new one!!!  Her says it's like magical, it's another Fuji cause her loves their cameras.  This one be the Fuji F300 EXR.  It's got tons of features, so many Mom says it'll take her a century to figure out.  So stay tuned to be bored with Mom's playing with it. 
First up tomorrow will be my now for sale old saddle.  New saddle is still being held captive by UPS SIGH


  1. I can't wait to be "bored!" ;-) Not!!

  2. PS - - Meaning: I know I won't be bored! . . . I can't wait for the new pics with the new camera. I hope that was clear!
    (Camryn, you are a much better communicator than I am!)

  3. Greetings folks from the Amish community of Lebanon county. Richard from Amish Stories.
