Friday, August 5, 2011

Oops, Mom's PO'd...

Camryn here:
I gots Mom PO'd at me, you know the saying that "if Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy?"  Well, I can verify the truth to that.
See, I've been using the barn aisle as a restroom all week, not something I've ever done before.  The first few times, Momma wasn't to bad, day three I could feel a certain tension coming from her.  Her started lecturing me regarding proper toilet habits being outside, in by stall at night but, certainly never in the barn aisle.  Her sayed her understands the bugs and all but, it only takes a few minutes to do my business so I should live with it.  Night before last her mentioned my not having barn aisle access if I didn't mind my manners.  Last night her went on and on "blah, blah, blah".  I paid her no mind and did lotsa business in the aisle while her was at work.  Guess maybe I shoulda listened?  Her moved my water outa the barn, shut the gate so Onyx could come in and out but, not me!!!  Can you imagine????  Now Onyx is basking in the barn in front of MY fan!!! 
Her reminded me of her warnings, said I was rude, that her worked all day just to provide for me.  That her fly sprays, fly sheets, fly masks me every morning.  Worries and kicks herself over the saddle issue, an all this other stuff.  That her was fine cleaning my stall and paddock but, the barn aisle is where it stops. 
I'm standing at the gated shut barn wishing I'd have listened for once.  Could maybe all my friends write asking for her to forgive me and rethink my exile?

1 comment:

  1. Hey, this message is for 'Mom'... you need to let Camryn in the aisle. She just lost a bit of control. The flies are awful. The fan helps... (I'm hoping my Mrs. Owner will take the hint...hint...hint: fan would be nice in our barn, too!) - lots of love, Doc

    Hay, Doc, you better be careful yourself. Our Mrs. Owner might have noticed that you pooped on the concrete 3 times today - that was uncalled for! - love from Pippin

    Hay there, Pippin, just who has been pooping in the shed (where there isn't a fan... but we'd like one) and attracting all the flies? - Doc

    OK, Boys, hold your argument somewhere else - not on a comment on Camryn's blog!
